If you have read any of my previous blog posts then you know that I am motivated by what we as individuals can do to support climate health and fight climate change. There are so many different …
Ready to try out a new label?
How about "planet-first?" Okay! I know! Labels are not normally viewed as positive. I have always tried to make sure that I set the appropriate example for my daughter by not prejudging, …
Five Easy Climate Habits
I do not know about you, but I have heard the statement, “we have the solutions, but not the political will” a half a dozen times already this week. Granted it is Friday, but that is a lot of times in …
Enjoy Life More By Living Like a Dane
If you know anything about me then you know that my journey to becoming a climate mom began in Denmark. A unique life experience that was a huge part of my transformation was walking my dog. His …
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Becoming Sustainable
Living in a way that benefits the world is a journey that starts with eliminating harmful habits and, quite possibly, never ends. It certainly should go in the direction of having the way you live …
Sustainability Bingo
Just for fun and maybe to help improve your mental health, play a little sustainability game with your family, or just challenge yourself. I know it is the season to feel overwhelmed by New Year’s …