How does one become a Climate Activist, and should that be a goal that we aspire to? First, educate yourself, and second, absolutely yes!
As a parent of a teenager, I have spent the last fourteen years teaching my daughter how to be happy and succeed in a world with which I am familiar. But recently I have become increasingly aware of the fact that it is highly unlikely that my daughter will ever live in the world as I have known it.
If you are a parent or someone who works to nurture children into fully functioning and responsible adults, how has what you are teaching changed? Have you thought about the fact that in a world of scarcity, our children will need vastly different skills?
Think about it.
If climate change progresses without our help to prevent temperatures from rising, a whole domino effect is likely to occur, meaning losses of livable landmass, lack of food and drinkable water, and continued failings of one ecosystem after another. Unfortunately, unless we act, this doom and gloom prospect is likely to be our next reality. The choice is not really a choice, we must commit to all becoming Climate Activists.
The alternative is to focus on giving the next generation the tools that they need to survive in an entirely different world. That seems like an impossible thought, and one that I certainly do not want to have! I want my child to have the same opportunities that I had. I want her to experience the beautiful world that I have lived in.
Don’t stop reading
If you believe that I am being overly dramatic, please look at the math. Countries all over the world have marked two dates, 2030 and 2050. It is by these years that we must stop releasing carbon into the environment. We must end our reliance on fossil fuels and there are so many things – big and little – that need to be accomplished. If we do not reach the targets by those dates, scientists agree that the temperature will rise in a way that will trigger a collapse from which we cannot recover. As I write this, 2030 is six years away. My current teenager will be turning forty when we reach our 2050 deadline. How old will the children you love be?
I understand that it can be overwhelming, it might be easier to stop reading, but that is not a viable option. We must shift our thinking, and you may be surprised at how easy it is to begin your climate activism journey. The only other obstacle in thought might be that you are holding onto the belief that someone else will make the necessary changes, do the necessary work.
Doesn’t it fall on lawmakers, country leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, and inventors to develop the solutions? Absolutely, they have a part, but so do we! There are some hefty solutions that are on tables all over the world right now. I understand that not everyone is able to invest money in climate solutions, but what about a bit of time and some small habit changes? Here are a few manageable things that we can do differently daily that include us as part of the solution.
At the grocery store:
- Bring reusable bags for shopping. Leave a couple in your car so that you are never without.
- Bring your own bags/containers to buy fruits and vegetables. My favorite bags are Earthwise Reusable Mesh Produce Bags.
- Look for the unpackaged items/least packaged items, often from the bulk section in your store. Also contact your local farm to see what they may offer in a CSA.
- Use a shopping list and buy less on each visit so that you diminish your food waste, and save money!
- Try and plan your menu for the week so that you can use the entire quantity of each item you purchase, and after cooking, pack up the leftovers and freeze them for future meals.
The food you eat:
- Change what you eat to plant-based foods. Eliminate as much beef and dairy as possible, as they are the biggest emitters of greenhouse gas. You can start with minor changes like trying a new recipe on the weekend, and slowly working your way up.
Eating out:
- Do it less unless you can eat at a sustainable food establishment.
- Share a meal, and/or order less food to eliminate food waste.
- Bring your own to-go containers for any leftovers. My favorite containers are these: Food Storage Containers
- Choose tap water vs. bottled.
- Avoid single-use items like straws, plastic cups, plastic take-away containers, plastic utensils, and paper napkins. My favorite on the go utensil set is To-Go Ware Utensil Set
At home:
- Use reusable paper towels that can be washed and dried. I don’t use anything fancy. I love the HOMEXCEL Microfiber Cleaning Cloth for washing dishes, cleaning up messes, etc.
- Use reusable Ziplock bags for food storage in the kitchen. My go-to replacement for plastic storage bags is the Stasher Platinum Silicone Food Grade Reusable Storage Bag
- Use cold water for loads of laundry.
- If you have a dishwasher, use it because it uses less water than hand washing.
- Compost your food scraps or use a food recycler. I have tried both and absolutely love my Mill Food Recycler
- Use all veggie food scraps to make your own vegetable broth.
- Unplug unused appliances, shut off the lights when you leave the room, and use less heating and cooling.
- Think of trash and even recycling as the last resort. We need to create less things that are disposable. Can it be repaired, repurposed, or donated?
- Consider the entire life cycle of the products you buy. When possible, buy used, donate to secondhand shops, and consider more consciously the purchases you make.
- Purchase locally made items that have not traveled on a shipping container to reach you.
If you are onboard, this does not have to be a big scary overwhelming challenge that you undertake, it can be – but we, as individuals, do not have to do heavy lifting – we can each carry a manageable load. You can start your journey with some of the items from the list above, and the next biggest thing you can do on your path to becoming a Climate Activist is to share the changes you are making with everyone! Talk about it and help people to join you in this effort to save our world.
We all know that industries have lobbyists and there is no shortage of people talking about and doing things that are bad for our world. Well, our cause – our children – need advocates! Who knows better what your child needs and deserves better than you! We have all been working so hard to prepare our children for the world, and that must continue, but we must also prepare the world for the future of our children.
I’ll look for you in the bulk section of the grocery store using your containers from home and we will build from there!
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